Select Patient from Claim Group for Ledger Display . . . The claim type group has already been selected from the previous menu option. This scrolling table displays patients and their balances (unofficial) for the particular claim type group. This table typically will be used to identify those patients with an outstanding balance, for whom statements need to prepared. Highlight the desired patient; press to select. 8'alfahlp' Collection Status Screen . . . This allows you to enter the collection status for a particular patient. The prior status should be noted in the lower left corner of the underlying table. If no collection information has been previously entered, the status will be "OK". Use the R/L arrow keys to change status to C1, C2, C3. Define your own criteria for inclusion in the different categories; the collection status will be displayed in various tables throughout the program as well as in the Master record. After changing the status, be sure to save the result by pressing Enter at the last field. 0'cinfohlp' The top of this menu displays the new collection status just entered in the previous screen. If you use your own collection letters or other system, recording the patient's new collection status may be all you want to do. If so, select the menu option to exit. Otherwise, you may print a collection letter for the patient; select the letter matching the patient's new status. You will be given the option of printing to disk or printer. The disk option will allow batch-printing of the letters as a group. 3'cltrhlp' Select Form for Insurance Processing . . . After entering patient name from previous screen, this table displays Encounter Forms for that patient. Highlight the desired Encounter Form and press to process an Insurance Form. If you want to process an Insurance Form and there is no Encounter Form, press . The "InsFrm" column in the table displays "yes" if an Insurance Form has already been completed. F5 prints the highlighted Encounter/Insurance Form. There is a printer or diskfile option: the diskfile option is recommended. This will allow the forms to be batch-printed as a group, and will provide a convenient means of storing the forms. 7'ehcfa' Patient Encounter Form . . . - An Encounter Form records ANY patient service which generates a charge. This would include office visits, inpatient or out- patient hospital visits, consultations, home visits, etc. - Note highlighted status message whether you are Adding, Changing or Deleting a record. Also note highlighted block in lower right corner for additional information. - F2 & F3 are "jump keys", taking you to the indicated field. - F4 allows you to check on insurance info from the Master file. - F5, F6, F9, & F10 provide look-up tables for entry into the appropriate fields. Alternatively, you may directly type in your data. Generally, for Claim Type (F5) and Dr (F6), you will only use the entries available in the look-up tables. - Be sure to save the Encounter Form with either Enter from the last field or Ctrl-Enter before the last field. A'encfrm' Listing of Patient Encounter Forms . . . This scrolling table shows Encounter Forms for a particular patient. Note the options at the bottom of the table: Ins: Create new form. Enter: Change highlighted form. Del: Delete highlighted form. F5: Print highlighted form. Esc: Show patient alpha list. (select another patient) Ctrl-Esc: Exit to menu. The prior balance for the patient is displayed in the lower right hand corner of the table. 9'fbhlp' arHCFAHLP2 Process HCFA 1500 Insurance Claim Form . . . Help Screen 1 of 3 Because of differing insurance carrier requirements, the screen for completing the HCFA 1500 Form has several secondary pop-up forms. By pressing function keys you select those groups of fields that are required by a particular carrier. The fields to be completed on the base form include the following: (Field numbers correspond the actual field numbers on the HCFA Form) 1) HCFA_Type: A required field for entering the HCFA Form claim type. These are the claim types specified on the HCFA Form (MEDICARE, MEDICAID, CHAMPUS, CHMPVA, GROUP HEALTH PLAN, FECA BLK LUNG, OTHER) and should not be confused with claim types in the LEHIPEDS database. F9 provides a look-up table for entering these HCFA claim types. 6) Relation to Insured: Use the right or left arrow keys to select. -=< Press or for more help; to exit help >=- D'hcfahlp' arHCFAHLP3 HCFA 1500 Form (cont'd) . . . Help Screen 2 of 3 27) Accept Assignment: Select Y/N with right or left arrow keys. 12 & 13) Authorized Signature: Select Y/N. "No" leaves the field blank. "Yes" prints "Signature on File" in the field. Field 24) This is the main part of the form related to the medical services provided. Note that the first Date of Service (From) is already entered from the Encounter Form. The same is true for all CPT Code, Modifier, and Charge entries. All other data must be typed in at this location. Obviously there will be no further entries beyond the last line for which there is a CPT Code entry. For the Diagnosis Code only two types of entries are permitted: a blank ( key); or one of the Diagnosis Codes displayed above in Field 21. If you are uncertain which CPT Code should be associated with a particular Diagnosis Code, press . This pops-up a table of CPT Codes and their descriptions. -=< or - more help; - prior screen; - exit >=- C'hcfahlp2' HCFA 1500 Form (cont'd) . . . Help Screen 3 of 3 29) Amount Paid: Enter the amount paid, if any. This entry is only for display on the insurance form. It is NOT recorded in the patient database. Note that there are other fields displayed on the base form e.g. Patient Name, Insured, Diagnosis. These are taken from either the Master File or Encounter Form, and are shown for information only. F10: This is a "jump key" taking you to the Amount Paid field. This is especially useful in Field 24 when you have no more lines to type, thereby avoiding pressing for numerous blank fields. Note that, after entering Field 6, the cursor stops next to the area of the screen describing the various Function keys. These descriptions state which fields are associated with a particular F_key. Pressing a key pops-up a secondary form for data entry into the designated fields. Select only those F_key(s) which you require. Press to move on to next Field 27. -=< - prior screen; or - exit help >=- C'hcfahlp3' Listing of Patient Encounter Forms . . . This scrolling table shows Encounter Forms for a particular patient. Note the options at the bottom of the table: Ins: Create new form. Enter: Change highlighted form. Del: Delete highlighted form. Esc: Show patient alpha list. (select another patient) Ctrl-Esc: Exit to menu. The prior balance for the patient is displayed in the lower right hand corner of the table. 8'ifbhlp' 088800 Select Provider No & complete signature block for HCFA 1500 Complete a HCFA Form Insurance Form. with or without a pre-existing Encounter Form. Print forms, then move to "OLDINS' directory for storage. >'imenuhlp' Display Patient Ledger (Statement) from Claim Type Group . . . This table shows a patient ledger from a particular claim type group. The balance shown is the official balance which is immediately calculated as the screen is displayed. F3 prints the ledger (statement). You are given the option of printing to printer or diskfile. Printing to diskfile allows you to later batch print an entire group of statements. F4 allows you to enter collection information and print a collection letter for any patient. There are three standard collection letters built into the program. :'ldgrgrp' Master Form . . . F5: Press when at the Dr, Acct Type, City, or ZIP fields for a list of options. Although anything may be directly typed into these fields without using F5, be sure to use only those options shown in the pop-up table for the Acct Type field. F10: Press this key and then the Enter key to display the current balance for the patient. The resulting balance will ALWAYS be the correct balance because it is immediately calculated. In the event the balance shown in the window does not agree with that in the Update Balance field (in the lower right hand corner of the Master Form); press Esc twice to update that field. Then be sure to save the Master Form. B'mastr' Posting Form . . . Claim Type: This field is already completed if posting to an existing Encounter Form. If posting to a new form, Press F4 to get a look-up table of valid claim type entries. Place Service: Use R/L Arrow Keys to select OFF or HOSP. Doctor: Press F5 for a look-up table of Dr names. Posting Date: This will generally be today's date. If another date is entered, a warning beep sounds. ROA and Adjust: Enter where indicated. 4'posthlp' Select Provider Number . . . This is to select the Provider Number for display in Field 33 of the HCFA 1500 Insurance Claim Form. Press F9 for a list of valid provider numbers to enter. (Alternatively, you may directly type in a provider number although this is not recommended. You should have entered all provider numbers which you use in the program customization module.) The provider number setting will remain in effect until changed or until shutdown of the computer. 2'prvhlp' PSTCHLP2 /Press Enter or /PgDn for more "Help These fields are from the original Encounter Form. With the exception of the Posting Date, there is usually no reason to change them. You may want to change the Posting Date to show today's date. If you do, the entered ROA and/or Adjustment will be included in today's Daily Log. ='pstchlp' Account Balance before current Original charges with entry. This balance includes the Encounter and the the contribution from the original (i.e. prior prior ROA &/or Adjustment. to current entry) ROA and Adjustment. Currently entered ROA &/or Adjustment. 'Esc or Enter to New Account Balance reflecting contribution end HELP of currently entered ROA &/or Adjustment. 'pstchlp2' Select Encounter Form for Posting . . . This table displays all Encounter Forms for the patient. If there are no "ROA" or "Adjust" entries you should post to an existing Encounter Form: press to select the highlighted form for posting. Otherwise press to post to a new Encounter Form. F3 prints the highlighted Enounter Form. 7'ptldgr' Display Encounter Forms . . . This scrolling table displays all Encounter Forms in order of Encounter Form Number. This should be an infrequently used procedure as it is much faster to first select the patient. You can only change or delete an Encounter Form from this table; you can NOT create a new form. F5 prints the highlighted form. 3'shoenc' Master File: Records by ID No . . . This scrolling table shows Master File records by patient ID No. Follow instructions on the screen for adding, changing, or deleting a record. IMPORTANT: Every patient must have a Master File record. This must be done before any transactions (e.g. Encounter Forms, Insurance Forms) can be completed for the patient. 1'shoidhlp' Master File: Records by Name . . . This scrolling table shows Master File records alphabetically by name. Follow instructions on the screen for adding, changing, or deleting a record. IMPORTANT: Every patient must have a Master File record. This must be done before any transactions (e.g. Encounter Forms, Insurance Forms) can be completed for the patient. 1'shonahlp' Welcome to the LEHIPEDS Shareware Program . . . Please read the information under Program Registration. Thank you for you support! 1'starthlp' Display Encounter Forms for Patient . . . To display Encounter Forms, highlight the desired patient and press to select. shows the Inactive Database. 2'tablhlp' ThTFRMHLP2 Create HCFA 1500 Insurance Claim Form . . . Help Screen 1 of 3 The fields to be completed on the base form include the following: (Field numbers correspond to the actual field numbers on the HCFA Form) Alt-T: Look-up table for claim type in the Lehipeds database. Alt-M: Look-up table for Doctor. 1) HCFA_Type: A required field for entering the HCFA Form claim type. These are the claim types specified on the HCFA Form (MEDICARE, MEDICAID, CHAMPUS, CHMPVA, GROUP HEALTH PLAN, FECA BLK LUNG, OTHER) and should not be confused with claim types in the LEHIPEDS database. F9 provides a look-up table for entering these HCFA claim types. Where: Press R/L arrow key for OFF or HOS. 6) Relation to Insured: Use R/L arrow keys to select. -=< Press or for more help; to exit help >=- D'tfrmhlp' > TFRMHLP3 HCFA 1500 Form (cont'd) . . . Help Screen 2 of 3 27) Accept Assignment: Select Y/N with R/L arrow keys. 12 & 13) Authorized Signature: Select Y/N. "No" leaves the field blank. "Yes" prints "Signature on File" in the field. These fields are the meat of the form related to the medical services provided. Field 21) Enter Diagnosis and Diagnosis Code with Alt-D. You must enter at least one with up to four permitted. Field 24) Complete up to 6 lines as needed. For any line completed, "Date Serv Fr", "Pl" (Place of Service), "CPTcode Mod Charge" (entered with Alt-C), and "DxCode" are required entries. Complete other fields on the line if required by the insurance carrier. See written documentation for detailed description of fields. 29) Amt Paid: Enter amt paid if any. For display only on the insurance form. Not recorded in the patient database. -=< or - more help; - prior screen; - exit >=- C'tfrmhlp2' HCFA 1500 Form (cont'd) . . . Help Screen 3 of 3 Function Keys (F1 thru F8): Because of differing insurance carrier requirements, the screen for completing the HCFA 1500 Form has several secondary pop-up forms. By pressing a Function key (F1 F8) you can select a particular group of fields. Note that, after entering Field 6, the cursor stops next to the area of the screen describing the various F_keys. Select only those F_key(s) which you require. Press to move on to next Field 27. F10: This is a "jump key" taking you to the Amount Paid field. This is especially useful in Field 24 when you have no more lines to type, thereby avoiding pressing for numerous blank fields. -=< - prior screen; or - exit help >=- C'tfrmhlp3' Display Encounter Forms for Patient . . . To display Encounter Forms, highlight the desired patient and press to select. 2'tblsur' ALFAHLP CINFOHLP CLTRHLP p EHCFA ENCFRM FBHLP HCFAHLP HCFAHLP20 HCFAHLP3t! IFBHLP IMENUHLP LDGRGRP MASTR POSTHLP PRVHLP 8 PSTCHLP ?; PSTCHLP22> PTLDGR SHOENC SHOIDHLP SHONAHLP STARTHLPRM TABLHLP TBLSUR TFRMHLP TFRMHLP2 TFRMHLP3